Brendan is a true competitor. He dropped 9 points in his state chip game and reportedly rode a unicycle around the locker room postgame with a jester hat juggling broken shafts. He does whatever it takes to win, whether it be counting cards in a middle school high stakes blackjack game, or showing interest in vinyls to pull chicks. Pictured above are Brendan along with Colin Anderson, Patch Loxley, and Kelly Mulligan (patriot). Not pictured is Brendan's typical going out attire of knee length shorts and collared shirt, usually salmon but always a pastel. As a righty attackman, his bread and butter is a strong up the hash dodge and shot, and if not, he does a great job navigating the island and putting it top right most of the time. With a 3.7 unweighted GPA, he can read, sometimes write, and uses echolocation to detect cars in his blind spot. He just committed to Franklin & Marshall, so pour one up for BSchwalb tonight!
Shooting: 9.2/10
Off Hand: 6.9/10
IQ: 8.0/10
Speed: 8.7/10
Haircut: 5.7/10
Passing: 8.4/10
Proximity to manasquan: 8.6/10
Overall: 85/100
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