Big righty shot stopper out of Bmore. Coming in at 6’4” and approximately 16 stone Dylan “Dski” Cadigan can take down a 30 rack in sub 2 hours and could likely barehandedly kill Khabib’s 150 pound headass if given enough smelling salts. This guy is a fuckin weapon. He started as a senior at THE boys latin school of maryland and fought valiantly for God and country. However he and the Lakers lost in OT in the MIAA semis after McCabe “Uncut” Millon dropped a mean lefty jumper on his head. Before heading to Monmouth, he had to get a specially made Nutt Hutt from Warrior to accommodate his abnormally large tip, which goes mostly unused due to the fact that he can’t hold eye contact with a woman for his life. He and the Hawks are gearing up for a mean 2025 season and can’t wait to drink on the beach. His mantra is ‘All goalies are throat grabbers but not all throat grabbers are goalies’. Think about that.
Shot stopping ability: 8.6/10
Clearing: 8.8/10
Tip to shaft ratio: 2:1
Aura: 7.5/10
Voted: Red
Loves: Lor Scoota
Overall 420/69
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