Another nailgun out of Cold Spring Harbor, I'm not sure why Ty Xanders or NLF dont have him on their radar. Slick fogo but also has played defense lsm middie ssdm or attack. A real jack of all trades, but master of 1, and that is faceoffs. He is also a master baiter and claims to be the best fisherman that plays lacrosse. Not sure how much I believe that but gotta big truzz (go ravens). Standing at a brute 5'9" 175, he will probably be able to bench 2 plates in the next year and might even wheel a bird as well. I forsee him committing to Monmouth on December 16th. He can also eat 5 bowls of pasta in 1 sitting and posesses the capability to rip a sub 2.5 sec shotty ferds. I am keen on his upside and see him playing a pivotal role in CSH's success in 2025, but also could see him going to Auburn and joining Sigma Pi.
Faceoff: 8.9/10
Attack: 6.6/10
LSM: 4.9/10
Missionary: anytime
Girls: terrifying
Pasta: Gone
Overall Score: 82/100
DM us @upperdeckylax to get your own player evaluation!