There is really just one thing you want out of a fogo and that is that they win faceoffs. And that is exactly what Ryan Lazarra does. Can he shoot? No. Can he dodge? Fuck no. Is he a lanky nailgun out of the armpit of america? YES. He's committed to Salisbury and I love that for two reasons. 1 is that they are gross and 2 is that they are a state school which means batshit crazy birds and a good time. I imagine him to be like that Turkish shooter dude from the olympics who definitley could've won but didn't so he woudn't raise suspicion. With a 69% faceoff percentage, Ryan definitley could win them all but goes for the funny number to give him aura points which he could redeem for road dome from bitches with blue hair (if he's into that stuff, not sure). He lives and dies by the possession shot and loves electric bikes. He also likes to 'reel in the big ones', which could mean bass but if a chick named Chloe bites the hook, I don't think he'd mind.
IQ: None
Clamp: 9.3/10
Shooting: 0
Drip: 10/10
Football Skills: Serviceable
Veo app: Downloaded
Overall: 84/100
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