A twitchy ass dodger, Ty Faucher comes in at 5'9" and probably 153 pounds soaking wet. However he makes up for the lack of tonnage with an oversized load in his pants that helped him and the Lake Norman goon squad overtake Hough in 2OT. He is committed to Queens University, which means he doesnt give a flying fuck about anything except touching bag, touching boobs, and touching his DJ deck. I am cuurrently bumping "FAUCH LIVE MIX SET #1" on soundcloud, and confirm he is valid, I am rock hard. I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be bumping this, drinking a lukewarm miller lite, and chopping it up with a Lake Norman mom. Wow. He is also a whoop athlete which is pretty dope. As long as he stays away from Alibaba fent carts and girls with gonnorhea I project him as a 4 year contributer for the Queens University royals.
Speed: 8.7/10
Shooting: 8.8/10
Tunes: 9.3/10
IQ: 8.5/10
Right to right hitch: 9.1/10
Sty: 8.8/10
Milf charm: 6.7/10
Overall score: 84/100
DM us @upperdeckylax to get your own player evaluation